

Dev Ops

We help large enterprises and startups align their Development and Operations to achieve higher efficiency. Our solutions automate, standardize and orchestrate development and operational tasks for continuous improvement. We offer best-in-class developmental frameworks that are highly scalable and robust in nature.

Cloud Computing

Our offerings are designed to support you through your decision-making process, from exploratory evaluations to cloud strategy to solution and technology decisions. We offer various cloud computing services for Amazon Web Services (AWS) Azure and GCP to help transform large, medium, & small enterprises, planning their move to the Cloud.

Advanced Analytics

We provide innovative data analytics solutions that assist our client to improve the quality of critical information in their business. Big Data & Analytics involves predictive analytics, data mining, text mining, data optimization, data management, & forecasting. Using business intelligence, we assist businesses understand the information contained within the data, which further enables them to make effective business decisions.


TGeographic Information Systems (GIS) store, analyze and visualize data for geographic positions on Earth’s surface. GIS is a computer-based tool that examines spatial relationships, patterns and trends. By connecting geography with data, GIS better understands data using a geographic context.

Mobile Applications

Our team is tech savvy when it comes to Mobile Applications with the flexibility and versatility to develop mobile apps software with ease. Selecting the right approach to develop a mobile app is an important success factor. The methodology chosen ensures hundred percent visibility and rapid results. In due course as and when needed changed requests are handled quickly to meet the stakeholder’s requirement.


Robotic Process Automation has been one of our primary weapons in pursuit to improved productivity, accuracy or reduced cost of doing business overall. We aim to increase the organization’s efficiency by identifying potential areas of automation and implementing Robotic Process Automation. Our solutions help reduce Costs and Improve Performance by enhancing productivity, reduce operational costs and improve scalability.

Software Development

Providing full cycle software development services at every step of your project helps deep understanding of the process at both ends. We do not stop with just software development but find solutions to your business problems. Custom software development services are provided for a spectrum of verticals and business domains for high end solutions.

Machine Learning

We craft data-driven tools that give our clients a competitive edge. We bring deep knowledge of advanced technologies in-house. Make the best use of our machine learning services. Developing intelligent solutions on top of any open source technologies like Apache Spark, Jupyter Notebook, Python, Docker, Conda, or Kubernetes.

Insurance Application Tools

Insurance Application Tools - Suite of software targeting the property and casualty insurance markets. Insurance Application Tools- provides the standard upon which insurers can optimize their operations, be more digital, use data in new ways, and simplify IT.

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